DLATO – NHM – NTEP – Recruitment of 01- Medical Officer, 01-District Programme Coordinator ,01- DOTS Plus TB-HIV supervisor, 01-PPM Coordinator and 01-Accountant under NTEP – NHM (Contract Basis) Final Merit List In this connection, the candidates call for the SPeaking Orders at the District TB Office, Ananthapuram on 08.01.2024 at 10.30 Am to 1.00 Pm.
హక్కు | వివరాలు | ప్రారంబపు తేది | ఆఖరి తేది | దస్తావేజులు |
DLATO – NHM – NTEP – Recruitment of 01- Medical Officer, 01-District Programme Coordinator ,01- DOTS Plus TB-HIV supervisor, 01-PPM Coordinator and 01-Accountant under NTEP – NHM (Contract Basis) Final Merit List In this connection, the candidates call for the SPeaking Orders at the District TB Office, Ananthapuram on 08.01.2024 at 10.30 Am to 1.00 Pm. | DLATO – NHM – NTEP – Recruitment of 01- Medical Officer, 01-District Programme Coordinator ,01- DOTS Plus TB-HIV supervisor, 01-PPM Coordinator and 01-Accountant under NTEP – NHM (Contract Basis) Final Merit List In this connection, the candidates call for the SPeaking Orders at the District TB Office, Ananthapuram on 08.01.2024 at 10.30 Am to 1.00 Pm. |
04/01/2024 | 08/01/2024 | చూడు (296 KB) Medical Officer Final Merit List (319 KB) Accountant FInal Merit List (315 KB) DR TB HIV Final Merit List (371 KB) District PPM Coordinator Fianl Merit List (340 KB) DPC Final Merit List (341 KB) |